Romance Reader? Try This New Service!


We are always looking for new ways to help you access your favorite library content, no matter where you are, and with that goal in mind we are pleased to announce that we are trying out a new romance focused eBook service! Romance Book Cloud offers unlimited access to some of the best titles in the genre from several highly regarded publishers. They offer collections from BelleBooks, The Wild Rose Press, Tule, and more, along with many best-selling self-published authors.

To make browsing the site easy they offer several sub-categories, like Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal, Inspirational, and Suspense, along with curated lists from experts like the editors at As long as you have an internet connection you can access the books from any device with a web browser (like Chrome, Safari, Edge, or Firefox). Simply head to, hover over the word “Borrow” in the main menu bar, and select “eBooks & Streaming” (or click here to go directly there). Then scroll down the “Books & Audiobooks” section until you find “Romance Book Cloud”.

We are offering this service on a trial basis through the end of August, so make sure to let us know what you think about it! You can let us know in person at the library or online by clicking here.

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